
Shoreline Master Program

The 1971 Shoreline Management Act (SMA) is the foundation for shoreline management in Washington State. The SMA requires each town, city, and county to review, and, if necessary, revise its Shoreline Master Program (SMP) every eight years. The periodic review being undertaken by the SE Washington Coalition now addresses recent changes in SMA requirements, changes for consistency with revised comprehensive plans and regulations, and any other changes deemed necessary to reflect changed circumstances, new information, or improved data.

The Coalition, in coordination with the Washington State Department of Ecology (Ecology) is currently completing the periodic review process to review and, if necessary, revise the SMP on or before June 30, 2023.


Shoreline Master Program and the Shoreline Management Act

In 1971, the people of the State of Washington voted for the SMA. The SMA has the following three primary purposes:

  1. To protect the shoreline environment

  2. To accommodate water-dependent and other appropriate uses in shorelands

  3. To maintain and enhance public access to shorelines

The SMP implements the policies of the SMA at the local level by regulating use and development along shorelines. Ecology is responsible for ensuring that the local SMP is consistent with intent of the SMA.

The SE Washington Coalition Periodic Review Process

The Coalition has initiated the SMP periodic review process and will make amendments, if applicable, under the provisions of Washington Administrative Code (WAC) 173-26-104, which provide for an optional joint review process for the local and state public comment processes required by Revised Code of Washington 90.58.090.

The steps to complete the Coalition’s SMP periodic review include the following:

  1. Coordinate early with Ecology on the SMP periodic review

  2. Prepare a Public Participation Plan to identify procedures and schedule for public participation opportunities throughout the update process

  3. Develop SMP amendment text and submittal materials

  4. Provide additional opportunities for formal community participation during the public review process

  5. Coordinate State submittal and local adoption of the SMP amendments

More information is available at the following link:

Citizen guide for SMP updates